2nd World Congress on Gynecology and Obstetrics


Download Sample Abstract template here Download


  • Authors submitting abstracts are responsible for ensuring that all authors listed on the abstract have been notified of the submission.
  • Each abstract will be reviewed by the 2025 Conference Review Committee, and decisions to accept or reject abstracts rest with this committee.
  • There is a limit of 300 words for the title and body text of your abstract submission.
  • Please ensure all special characters and formatting display correctly.

Modes of Presentation

  1. A. Oral presentation
  2. B. Poster presentation


All abstracts must be written exclusively in English (including the title, abstract text, author names and affiliations).


Please provide the following:

  • Presenting author's contact details
  • Email address
  • Full postal address
  • Daytime and evening phone number
  • Author and co-authors' details
  • Full first and family name(s)
  • Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, state (if relevant), country

If your abstract is ready for submission - in keeping with the format requirements (see 'Abstract Submission Process'), you can head to our online submission system above to upload your work.

All abstracts must be written in English. It is the author's responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced as provided by the author.

Abstract titles will be subject to a spell check if the abstract is selected for presentation.

Abstract Submission Process

  1. Abstract submitter is not required to be an Innovation Info Conference member
  2. Abstracts can be submitted through respective conference website
  3. All the presenters are requested to follow the deadlines before submitting the abstracts
  4. All abstracts must be submitted in English
  5. Submissions must be complete, conform to all guidelines, and be received by the deadline to be considered for acceptance
  6. All the presenters are requested to submit their respective PowerPoint presentations atleast a week before to the conference manager to ensure compliance with criteria set out by IIC-Innovation Info Conferences and it will remain the intellectual property of the presenter. IIC will not share this file with attendees. IIC requires the file beforehand to ensure smooth running of program. Plan to bring the PowerPoint file to the conference on a flash drive and load it on to the computer in your assigned presentation room prior to the session start time.

All Submissions must include a Biography, an Abstract, and a Photograph for use in our Program

All the abstracts shall be submitted as per the attached sample abstract template which consists of the following below mentioned fields. Any abstract not in compliance with attached sample template will not be sent to scientific committee for review process until it meets requirement as per the template available online to download.

Abstract Requirements:

  1. Title of Abstract
  2. Name
  3. Affiliation
  4. Co-authors if any
  5. Abstract (Up to 300 words)
  6. Biography (150 words)
  7. Email ID
  8. Presenter Name
  9. Type of Presentation - Oral / Poster
  10. Recent Photograph


Email: gynecology@infoconferences.com

Sponsor: sponsor@infoconferences.com

Registration: register@infoconferences.com

Phone: +1 9093584313

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